Archive | April 2014

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Employment Background Screening Helps Companies Nab Good Employees

“Looking into a candidate’s criminal record history is also an important aspect of background screening. However, laws regulating criminal record checks vary from state to state, and any violation of these laws, whether knowingly or unknowingly, can make an employer legally liable too. To ensure that the appropriate protocols are followed when conducting background checks, […]

Good Public Records Search Protects Companies from Unreliable Workers

“Even if trucking business owners did not have prior knowledge about an employee’s previous brushes with the law, they can still be held liable for a road accident under employer negligence policies or under vicarious liability type circumstances too. Any company who hires a worker for driving duties is obligated to ensure that the said […]

Employee Search: Screening the Right Ones

Putting up a business, regardless of what industry it may belong to, is one tall order, as time, energy, and money are invested significantly. To avoid having all of these go to waste, business owners need to hire the right set of people who can align with their goals to create a productive environment. If […]